Disciple's Grow

We believe every disciple is called to be a learner that never stops growing.

Why Grow?

The word 'disciple' comes from the Bible word 'mathitis' which means 'learner' or 'student'. We believe disciples should continue to grow in their love for God.

The book of Psalms

We want to grow together, united as one church moving in the same direction. We have committed to walking through key chapters in book of Psalms. Each week both the sermon and MBC groups focus on the same bible verses as we progress through the book passage by passage.


Psalms Journal
Psalms Journal

Our gift to you! Free to every member and guest is a copy of the book of Psalms for note taking. Please ask an usher for a free bible journal of Psalms if you have not received one.

Psalms Commentaries
Psalms Commentaries

Want to follow along with our sermons and MBC groups? These commentaries are what we use for our curriculum and recommend for anyone looking to go deeper in their study of Psalms. The series author Danny Akin is the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in North Carolina.


You can CLICK HERE to order a copy from Amazon

A look at the book - Psalms

Book of Psalms Summary

The Art of Biblical Poetry

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