Disciple's Give

We believe every disciple is called to be a servant who gives generously.

Why Give?

We believe that everything is God's. If everything belongs to God, we are stewards to what has been entrusted to us. Therefore, it is an act of worship and obedience to give back to God a portion of what He has given to us.

Opportunities to Give

Here are some ways to support our church.

Give Online

Please follow this link to give safely online. You can set up a recurring offering, and the funds will automatically be withdrawn on a set date, for a particular amount, or you can make a one-time gift.

Give in Person
Give in Person

At each entrance to the sanctuary there is an offering box. Please place tithe and offerings in this box on Sundays. You can also use these boxes to place welcome cards and prayer requests.

Give by Text
Give by Text

On your phone, text a dollar amount to the number ‘84321’. This is a safe and easy way to give one time or to set up a recurring offering.

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